Bicycles will never go out of style. In our modern world this wonderful vehicle has become more relevant and useful than ever. Fuel prices are rising and many cannot afford cars. Bicycles are cost effective because they do not need fuel and they help you in getting some exercise while traveling. Bicycles are also very eco-friendly as they do not create harmful gaseous elements. One problem that bicycle users often face is losing their vehicle to the thieves and not having proper parking spaces. You must get a proper bicycle stand to keep your bicycles safe when parked. Designers have come up with extremely innovative and brilliant bicycle stand ideas that can impress any bicycle lover. They are quite easy to handle and offer flexibility. 5 of the best bicycle stands have been discussed in the following for your consideration.
Long Term Bicycle Parking:
This wonderful Bicycle stand combines safety and convenience together and presents a unique concept. The vertical stand lets you park the bicycle vertically by using special magnetic card and using the lever for stabilization. It also has a unit for maintenance and you can take a shower on the go. The best thing is that it does not take much space. The shower unit will use solar power for heating the water so that your environment stays clean.
45Bici Bike Stand:
This very flexible and modern bike stand can be used anywhere for keeping your bike safe and secured. 45Bici is a unique metal bike stand that takes very little space yet guards your bicycle. It is made for the urban bicycle users who want to travel without any fuss or worry and park anywhere they please.
City Rack:
Ilya Tkach and Nikita Gutsalenko have created this wonderful bicycle stand concept. It has a circular lock that keeps your bicycle in place. This stand can be used in public parking spaces and incorporates a payment system.
YBR Bike System:
Eliel Cabrera has created YBR bike system that has an umbrella like structure and the parts have been made with stainless steel. There is a wide solar panel on top that gives needed electrical energy for the system to operate.
Bicycle Security System:
The Bicycle Security System has been designed by Grant Howarth. It makes sure that your bicycle is safe and no one can steal it while you are away.